Saint Johns, FL

Placed for A Purpose


Placed for a Purpose

Resources for Neighboring


Bible Reading Plan

We can turn to God’s word for answers to our questions and hesitations about neighboring!

  • Who is my neighbor?

  • How do I love my neighbor?

  • Showing mercy & hospitality

  • Living freed to serve

Love Thy Neighborhood Packet

Why should we love our neighbors? How should we love our neighbors?

What are my first steps? What are some next steps I can take?

Take a read through the “Love Thy Neighborhood” Packet!

Placed for a Purpose Podcast

Take a listen for insight on:

•Neighboring as an introvert

•Reimagining gospel conversations

•Disagreeing well with our neighbors

•How to have great conversations with your neighbors

New episodes every Thursday - on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Instagram.

The 50 Yard Challenge

How can we involve the whole family in being a good neighbor? Consider the 50 Yard Challenge!

The goal of 50-yard challenge is to motivate kids to serve their communities by cutting 50 lawns for the elderly, disabled, veterans, first responders, and neighbors for free. This is a great way for kids and families to meet and connect with their neighbors, while shining Christ’s light through service!