Baptism & Lord's Supper



Baptism: A New Life & Family

Thanks for your interest in being baptized. Baptism is a tremendous blessing and an important first step of obedience for new followers of Jesus. Here is the typical process to be baptized at Cross Creek Church:

  1. Please read the following attachment closely. If the person considering baptism is a child, be sure to read the section entitled “Infant Baptism at Cross Creek.”

  2. If, after reading this packet, you:

  3. Soon after completing your email, you will get a call from a pastor or elder. This phone call is to answer any questions you may have, address any potential concerns we may have, and to prepare you for what to expect at your baptism. This call is not an oral theological exam, so don’t be nervous. If the person requesting baptism is a child, we will likely request to meet with the child in person.

  4. Baptism. Invite as many family and friends as you can—people are often very open to coming. If you want to share your story with the church family, we’ll give you that opportunity. If you’d prefer not to share, that’s OK too.