What We Believe


What Kind of Church is Cross Creek?

Biblical: We receive the Scriptures as God’s inspired & holy word. The Bible is therefore authoritative over our lives, necessary to understand our salvation, filled with wisdom for our lives, more desirable than gold, & sweeter than honey.

We also receive the Apostles’ & Nicene Creeds as faithful summaries of Scripture’s most important truths about who God is & how God saves. We major on the majors & invite people to know the truth, hope, and love of Jesus every single week through the word.

Reformed: We are rooted in the teachings of the historic church recovered by the Protestant Reformation, particularly as expressed in the Westminster Confession of Faith.

Presbyterian: Every church must decide how it will be governed: What are the rules? To whom are we accountable? Will we have a formal relationship with other church bodies? By the term “Presbyterian,” we refer to those rules, principles, and relationships that guide the church's business week in and week out.

More formally, “Presbyterianism” is a representative form of church government – our church is governed by a “Session” of elders (presbyters) who are elected by the members of the congregation. Elders of local churches in a region form a “Presbytery.” Representatives of Presbyteries and local churches meet annually at a “General Assembly.” These all work together to proclaim the good news of Jesus, plant churches, protect right doctrine, do mercy, & maintain oversight over pastors.

Cross Creek is part of the Presbyterian Church in America, a national & evangelical denomination. You can read more at pcanet.org.

If this is new to you, we encourage you to get in touch with an elder and ask any questions you might have. You don’t have to be Presbyterian to be welcomed at our church. The truth is that every church comes with its own system of governance, Christian tradition, & theological commitments, whether they make it known or not. We simply make those commitments known and are thankful to be part of a denomination faithful to the Sciptures and at work across the nation.