Serve at Cross Creek


Serve at Cross Creek

Building Community.
Building Friendships.
Building a Family. 

“Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” 1 Corinthians 12:27 

It takes dozens of us to make Sunday experiences happen. There are teams who  arrive early, stay late, and serve together to ensure everything is in order. From the greeters to the welcome team to the nursery workers and worship music, dozens of people – some you never even see – give their time and service to make church happen.

Ministry is giving of ourselves, our time, talents, and resources to help others.  It is an act of worship to serve and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.  As Christians, the Holy Spirit lives within us and has gifted each of us in different ways to edify and strengthen the entire church body. 

Cross Creek is made up of a wonderful body of believers who serve our church and community so well. If you would like to be involved in serving at Cross Creek, please let us know by filling out the form below!